On Campus High School

Project-based learning environment.  Focus your time and avoid feeling overwhelmed with our unique 2 classes at a time schedule.

Online High School

Self-paced study with individualized attention.  Teachers are available by phone and text during office hours.

Registration is closed for the 2021-22 school year.

Elementary/Jr. High

Elementary students learn through the Montessori Philosophy while Jr High students use project-based learning.

The mission of Richard McKenna Charter Schools is to provide a non-traditional educational environment for our students by emphasizing:

1) project-based learning
2) personal responsibility
3) outstanding citizenship

Credits earned at Richard McKenna are accepted at tens of thousands of schools. Complete the standard Idaho credit requirements and earn at least 6 credits through Richard McKenna to receive a high school diploma.

On a regular basis, a thorough in-person review is overseen by Cognia (formerly known as AdvancEd).  25 million students attend schools held to the same standards as Richard McKenna.

Looking for our Public Documents?  Click here.